Museum Pillar : photo by Malcolm Aslett

Another pillar. Here the base is at the original eye height of the shot and all that lies above taken with a series of photographs that follow the steep perspective above. You can tell I was slightly to the right of center as there is a bulge on the left and the right edge more of a straight line.

What can you do with a pillar? You can list the manners as straight (parallel), in perspective (big end, little end), bow like (big in middle, little at either end)..and then whatever else you can come up with. A couple of weeks ago I tried breaking one up, making it wobble a bit and fracturing it. This one, for me, concentrates on the brute force of a pillar. A thick and stout base leading to a solid top to carry a form, the upper level showing the unified forces that hold the building up. I rather imagine that everything in a pillar design has a history and a purpose. The flutes, the scrolls, the dips and curves. There were hundreds of years to work things out best. And they needed to be armed against the weather. So the texture showing every wrinkle was appealing to me.

I have an affection for the old fashioned vividness of this subject. Like old encyclopaedias. - the pictures in the encyclopaedias, of course. Not the actual books themselves.






